Este blog, pretende ser un recurso dirigido a padres y madres, para poder trabajar con sus hijos las partes del cuerpo.
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domingo, 7 de enero de 2018
Slideshare el cuerpo
Os presento un slideshare del cuerpo, el cual se compone de bits de inteligencia. Tenéis que estar muy atentos y mirar muy bien lo que sale en las imágenes. Si os ha gustado podéis buscar alguna más en este blog. ¡Ánimo!
I consider that this post is missing information regarding what the intelligence bits are. I would add that an Intelligence Bit is any simple and concrete stimulus, (an image or a sound) that the brain can store through one of the sensory pathways: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory or gustatory. For example, if we work the fruits, we will present different sheets with images of fruits, without putting the name of the fruits. We tell them the name, (strawberry, banana ...), at the same time that we are showing each one of the sheets.
I consider that this post is missing information regarding what the intelligence bits are. I would add that an Intelligence Bit is any simple and concrete stimulus, (an image or a sound) that the brain can store through one of the sensory pathways: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory or gustatory. For example, if we work the fruits, we will present different sheets with images of fruits, without putting the name of the fruits. We tell them the name, (strawberry, banana ...), at the same time that we are showing each one of the sheets.